Efficiency Evaluation of Biopesticide-Formulation Commercial of Metarhizium anisopliae Isolates of Rice Department for Controlling the Rice Pest, Brown Planthopper

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Ilada Choomsang
Payorm Cobelli
Arisa Jittikornkul
Duangkamon Boonchuay
Teerada Wangsomboondee


Brown planthopper (BPH, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)) is an important insect pest in the rice production system in Thailand. Biological control is an alternate method for insect control especially the use of commercial biopesticides which are convenient and easy to use for farmers. This research aimed to evaluate commercial biopesticide formulations of a fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae isolates of Rice Department, for effective BPH control in rice fields. Three isolates of M. anisopliae having high BPH control efficiency in a greenhouse were selected to evaluate the efficiency of BPH control in irrigated lowland paddy fields in Suphan Buri province. The results showed no significant differences in BPH cumulative mortality percentages infected by M. anisopliae between isolates of Rice Department but significant differences were observed between isolates of Rice Department and an isolate of Department of Agricultural Extension (MNDOAE) and control (0.05% Tween 80) (p < 0.05). The cumulative mortality percentage of BPH infected by M. anisopliae isolates of Rice Department, MNMHN031 and MNNKI033, showed 55% and 49%, respectively, which were higher than MNDOAE isolates. Thus, these two effective fungal isolates were selected for commercial development of wettable powder biopesticide for ready-to-use isolate. These commercial biopesticides were evaluated for controlling BPH in a greenhouse. The results showed that MNNKI033 isolate presented the highest cumulative mortality at 68% and LT50 for 3 days than MNDOAE isolate. This is consistent with the experimental results of the commercial biopesticides for BPH control efficiency testing in rainfed lowland paddy field and irrigated lowland paddy field at Suphan Buri province. We found that the commercial biopesticide MNNKI033 isolate had significant higher BPH cumulative mortality than control method (without using biopesticide) (p < 0.01) with average BPH mortality at 36%. Furthermore, isolate of MNNKI033 will choose more isolate from DOAE (MNDOAE) to use for biopesticide to control BPH in paddy.

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