Nitrogen Management with Leaf Color Chart (LCC) in Irrigated Rice Varieties of the Central Plain
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The aim of this study was to develop an appropriate recommendation for nitrogen management in irrigated areas of the central plain by using Leaf Color Chart (LCC). Eleven photoperiod-insensitive and 3 photoperiod-sensitive rice varieties were studied for nitrogen management using LCC. The studies were conducted at Pathum Thani Rice Research Center both in wet and dry seasons during 2006-2007. Factorial in RCB with 4 replications were used which consisted of 2 factors, rice varieties and nitrogen managements. Four methods of nitrogen managements; recommendation, application of nitrogen at LCC£2, LCC£3 and LCC£4were used in the experiments. The results showed that leaf color differs among varieties and seasons. For photoperiod-insensitive rice varieties, at leaf color level of LCC£3 was recommended to apply 4 kg N/rai in most varieties except RD31 in which LCC£4 was recommended. For 3 photoperiod-sensitive rice varieties, at leaf color level of LCC£2 were recommended to apply 2 kg N/rai, and the excess amount of nitrogen could not increase the rice yield due to less nitrogen response.
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