Snack Bar of Puffed Rice with Defatted Rice Bran
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Defatted rice bran consists of high nutrition, 15.83% protein, 33.57% dietary fiber, 10.97% ash and low fat only 1.04% useful for health food product. Hence, snack bar of puffed rice with defatted rice bran was studied at Pathum Thani Rice Research Center during October 2007 - September 2008. It was found that a puffed rice product using extruder could be prepared from non-glutinous rice varieties. In preparing puffed rice, the ingredient ratio was 100 g brown rice, 1 g CaCO3 ,5 g sugar, 24 g corn girt and 5 g defatted rice bran. All the ingredients should be ground into 80-100 mesh. Defatted rice bran flake was used as the ingredients in puffed rice snack bar product. For preparing defatted rice bran flake using a drum dryer, the mixture was Pathumthani 1 brown rice flour, defatted rice bran and water in the ratio of 6:6:30 by weight. Then coated with 20 g icing sugar, 22 g milk powder, 1.75 g salt, 7.5 g glucose syrup and 15 ml of hot water in 100 g of puffed rice. The other cereals mixture was 10 g freeze dried corn, 40 g fired mungbean, 10 g roasted puffed rice, 20 g roasted white / black sesame, 10 g defatted rice bran flake and 100 g coated puffed rice were added to the mixture. The flavoring and stabilizing agent consisted of 20 g dextrin, 60 g milk powder and 50 ml of hot water. Then, the mixture of all ingredients were processed into puffed rice snack bar product.
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